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Global Sourcing: Another Critical Purchasing Skill

Optimizing global sourcing in supply chains.

Buyers make strategic decisions about the purchase of goods and services based on the availability of low-cost materials and labor. They must also conform to economic regulations established by governments, so enhancing the time to market from business to business is critical.

By implementing successful global sourcing solutions, companies can reduce procurement costs and improve profit margins. Your organization can leverage many technologies, including mobility and cloud, to improve the global sourcing platform. In addition, a real-time data platform can improve business analytics and, ultimately, your global sourcing solution.

In the retail supply chain, SAP HANA can provide significant data, infrastructure, and analytic advantages by combining data from SAP or multiple data sources to provide a single version of the truth.

Adorbis Technology’s Global Sourcing Optimizer leverages HANA-based computing to put robust analytics into the hands of financial controllers, buyers and other critical business users. It provides exceptional insight into how inflation affects sales and margins. Buyers can leverage these tools to make better decisions on where to buy, how much to purchase and how to negotiate optimized pricing. Our solution allows retailers and other organizations to fully optimize global sourcing activities through real-time dashboards and predictive analytics.

This new model puts powerful data and analytic capabilities into the hands of buyers, financial planners and business executives driving insights that translate into faster, smarter decisions on global sourcing.

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